Полное описание
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Использовать вместо
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Republic of Macedonia
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the
L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine
La ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia
Byvshaia iugoslavskaia Respublika Makedoniia
Republic of Macedonia
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the
L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine
La ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia
Byvshaia iugoslavskaia Respublika Makedoniia
Later heading
Соответствующий ресурсST/CS/SER.F/345/Corr.1
For UNBIS filing purposes, UNBIS deviates from the use of lowercase "t" in "the", which is specified in the Terminology Bulletin
For works published by or about The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia between 27 Apr. 1992-13 Feb. 2019
Further to the communication dated 14 Feb. 2019 from the Permanent Mission addressed to the Protocol and Liaison Service, the country name was changed to the Republic of North Macedonia (short form: North Macedonia)
For works published by or about The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia between 27 Apr. 1992-13 Feb. 2019
Further to the communication dated 14 Feb. 2019 from the Permanent Mission addressed to the Protocol and Liaison Service, the country name was changed to the Republic of North Macedonia (short form: North Macedonia)
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