Detalles de los registros
Maldives ms
Para uso de
Republic of Maldives
Earlier heading
Use for works following the period 14 Apr. 1969
In a letter dated 14 April 1969, the Permanent Representative informed the Secretary-General that the country be known as 'Maldives' instead of 'Maldive Islands', and that the full title of the State be 'Republic of Maldives'
In a letter dated 14 April 1969, the Permanent Representative informed the Secretary-General that the country be known as 'Maldives' instead of 'Maldive Islands', and that the full title of the State be 'Republic of Maldives'
Todos los recursos
El registro aparece enWorkflow > Workflow Authorities
Authorities > Corporate
Authorities > Members
Authorities > Corporate
Authorities > Members
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