Summary record of the 37th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 : Economic and Social Council, 2024 session, July management segment
Detalles de los registros
TítuloSummary record of the 37th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 : Economic and Social Council, 2024 session, July management segment
AccesoEnglish: E_2024_SR.37-EN - PDF ; Español: E_2024_SR.37-ES - PDF ; Français: E_2024_SR.37-FR - PDF ;
Nota sobre el evento2024-07-23
Información del programaE/2024/100 19c Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
E/2024/100 18b Science and technology for development. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 18e Population and development. POPULATION--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 18j United Nations Forum on Forests. UN FORUM ON FORESTS
E/2023/100 18h International cooperation in tax matters. TAXATION
E/2024/100 18f Public administration and development. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
E/2024/100 19g Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. UN. PERMANENT FORUM ON INDIGENOUS ISSUES
E/2024/100 17 Non-governmental organizations. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS
E/2024/100 12d Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES
E/2024/100 11b Review and coordination of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--PROGRAMMES OF ACTION
E/2024/100 7 Operational activities of the United Nations for international development cooperation. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 12e Long-term programme of support for Haiti. HAITI--ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE
E/2024/100 12f African countries emerging from conflict. AFRICA--POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION
E/2024/100 12g Sustainable development in the Sahel. SUDANO-SAHELIAN REGION--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 12a Reports of coordination bodies. COORDINATION--REPORTS
E/2024/100 12b Proposed programme budget for 2025. UN--BUDGET (2025)
E/2024/100 18b Science and technology for development. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 18e Population and development. POPULATION--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 18j United Nations Forum on Forests. UN FORUM ON FORESTS
E/2023/100 18h International cooperation in tax matters. TAXATION
E/2024/100 18f Public administration and development. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
E/2024/100 19g Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. UN. PERMANENT FORUM ON INDIGENOUS ISSUES
E/2024/100 17 Non-governmental organizations. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS
E/2024/100 12d Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES
E/2024/100 11b Review and coordination of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--PROGRAMMES OF ACTION
E/2024/100 7 Operational activities of the United Nations for international development cooperation. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 12e Long-term programme of support for Haiti. HAITI--ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE
E/2024/100 12f African countries emerging from conflict. AFRICA--POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION
E/2024/100 12g Sustainable development in the Sahel. SUDANO-SAHELIAN REGION--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
E/2024/100 12a Reports of coordination bodies. COORDINATION--REPORTS
E/2024/100 12b Proposed programme budget for 2025. UN--BUDGET (2025)
Fecha[New York] : UN, 11 Oct. 2024
18 p.