Gender and disasters : human, gender and environmental security : a huge challenge / Úrsula Oswald Spring
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
العنوانGender and disasters : human, gender and environmental security : a huge challenge / Úrsula Oswald Spring Source no. 8
المؤلفونOswald, Ursula
UN University
Munich Re Foundation
UN University. Institute for Environment and Human Security
UN University
Munich Re Foundation
UN University. Institute for Environment and Human Security
تاريخBonn, Germany : UN University, March 2008
57 p. : ill., tables, graphs
Professor Úrsula Oswald Spring, the first chairholder of the MRF-Chair on Social Vulnerability at UNU-EHS, provides here thoughts about gender and security issues and shows challenges and opportunities of disaster risk management. Gender is considered as an aspect of social vulnerability, as women all over the world are the centre of not only the family unit, but of the whole society.
رقم دولي معياري للكتاب (ردمك)
9783939923091 (e-ISBN)