Threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks in environmental and human security / Hans Günter Brauch
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
العنوانThreats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks in environmental and human security / Hans Günter Brauch Source no. 1/2005
تاريخBonn, Germany : UN University, 2005
104 p. : ill., graphs, tables
The author analyses and summarizes the drivers and components of the unfolding process of defining and conceptualizing human security in the environmental context. Next to the intellectual and scientific dimension, this publication analyses also the intergovernmental and political evolution of the environmental aspects of the human security concept. This fascinating narrative is an essential background reading for those interested in the details, intricacies, but also conceptual problems of the "securisation" of the environment.
رقم دولي معياري للكتاب (ردمك)
3981020057 (e-ISBN)
1816 -1154
1816 -1154