Reporting under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : training guide : part 1 manual
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Условное обозначениеHR/P/PT/29
ЗаглавиеReporting under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : training guide : part 1 manual
ДоступEnglish: HR_P_PT_29-EN - PDF ;
This manual seeks to assist States parties in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. It aims to facilitate an understanding of the rights enshrined in the Convention and the corresponding obligations of States parties in respecting, protecting and fulfilling those rights. The manual also provides guidance in implementing the recommendations and decisions of the Committee against Torture, and the provisions of the Convention against Torture at the national level. The publication is based on the provisions of the Convention, the general comments of the Committee against Torture, its jurisprudence on individual communications and its concluding observations on State party's initial and periodic reports, as well as its reporting guidelines, rules of procedure, working methods and other documents. The manual serves as a practical reference tool for States parties in preparing their reports to the Committee and for various other stakeholders, such as United Nations specialized agencies and country teams, national human rights institutions, national preventive mechanisms and civil society organizations seeking information on the Convention and reporting to the Committee, and their role in that process. The manual will be complemented by "Notes for Facilitators" (Part II) to assist facilitators in preparing and delivering a training course on reporting under the Convention. The notes will be complemented by training session plans, presentation slides, videos, quizzes and other practical materials -- [author website].
ДатаNew York ; Geneva : UN, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2024
121 p.
9789211066500 (e-ISBN)
2412-1398 (e-ISSN)
9789211066500 (e-ISBN)
2412-1398 (e-ISSN)
В продаже под No.24.XVL.5