Open-ended Working Group set up by the Commission on Human Rights to consider the drafting of a declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
Notice détaillée
TitreOpen-ended Working Group set up by the Commission on Human Rights to consider the drafting of a declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
DateGeneva : UN, 17 Feb. 1983.
2 p.
CollectionsOrganes de l'ONU > Organes chargés des droits de l’homme > Organes chargés des droits de l’homme basés sur la Charte des Nations Unies > Commission des droits de l'homme
Type de ressource > Documents et publications > Autres documents et publications
Organes de l'ONU > Conseil économique et social
Type de ressource > Documents et publications > Autres documents et publications
Organes de l'ONU > Conseil économique et social