Market forces and security : report from the annual symposium on the United Nations system in the twenty-first century
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TítuloMarket forces and security : report from the annual symposium on the United Nations system in the twenty-first century
AccesoEnglish: Market_Forces_and_Security - PDF ;
This paper re-explores this ideal and optimistic vision of capitalist market forces in resolving global insecurity and crafting international peace by elucidating the dynamic and complex relationships between the two. The first part of the paper examines the evolving nature of capitalist market forces in the world. The second recasts the conventional definition of security and expands it to newly emerging non-military security domains. The third section looks into causal relationships between market forces and security by issue areas. Finally, the paper suggests new roles for the United Nations in managing market forces and security. [UNU website].
AutoresUN University
FechaTokyo : UNU ; 1998
18 p. :