Coherence and alignment among sustainable land management, ecosystem-based adaptation, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and nature-based solutions / Yvonne Walz...[et al.]
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
العنوانCoherence and alignment among sustainable land management, ecosystem-based adaptation, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and nature-based solutions / Yvonne Walz...[et al.]
إمكانية الوصولEnglish: Walz_et_al-_Online_NBS_211215_META - PDF ;
تاريخBonn, Germany : UN University, Dec. 2021
90 p. : ill.
رقم دولي معياري للكتاب (ردمك)
9783944535661 (e-ISBN)
2304-0467 (e-ISSN)
2304-0467 (e-ISSN)