Case study report : loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Sindhupalchok district, Nepal / Kees Van der Geest and Markus Schindler
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ЗаглавиеCase study report : loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Sindhupalchok district, Nepal / Kees Van der Geest and Markus Schindler
ДоступEnglish: CSR_Nepal_Final - PDF ;
ДатаBonn, Germany : UN University, 2016
95 p. : ill.
On 2 August 2014 a major landslide struck in a densely populated area 80 km northeast of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. With a death toll of 156, it was one of the deadliest landslides in Nepalese history. This report presents the findings of a case study that investigated the loss and damage resulting from this catastrophic landslide. The central research question of this project is: what losses and damages did the 2014 landslide in Sindhupalchok District cause to households in the area; how effective were their preventive and coping measures; and what were the major constraints?
9783944535449 (e-ISBN)
2304-0467 (e-ISSN)
2304-0467 (e-ISSN)