Visit to Guatemala undertaken from 8 to 19 October 2023 : recommendations and observations addressed to the State party : report of the Subcommittee [on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment]
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TitreVisit to Guatemala undertaken from 8 to 19 October 2023 : recommendations and observations addressed to the State party : report of the Subcommittee [on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment]
AccèsEnglish: CAT_OP_GTM_ROSP_1-EN - PDF ; Español: CAT_OP_GTM_ROSP_1-ES - PDF ; Français: CAT_OP_GTM_ROSP_1-FR - PDF ;
DateGeneva : UN, 24 Oct. 2024
24 p.
Annexes (p. 21-24): 1. Lista de lugares de privación de libertad visitados conjuntamente por el mecanismo nacional de prevención y el Subcomité -- 2. Lista de lugares de privación de libertad visitados por el Subcomité -- 3. Lista de funcionarios gubernamentales y otros interlocutores con los que se reunió el Subcomité.
English, French and Spanish only; annexes in Spanish only.
English, French and Spanish only; annexes in Spanish only.