Beneath the surface : terrorist and violent extremist use of the dark web and cybercrime-as-a-service for cyber-attacks
TitleBeneath the surface : terrorist and violent extremist use of the dark web and cybercrime-as-a-service for cyber-attacks
AccessEnglish: dw_beneath_the_surface_update - PDF ;
This report is looking at the evolving landscape of the Dark Web and Cybercrime-as-a-Service, exploring how terrorists and cybercriminals leverage the dark web to procure tools and services for nefarious purposes. It aims to shed light on the intricate relationship between terrorism, violent extremism conducive to terrorism, and cybercrime, providing insights and analysis to inform strategies and capacity-building initiatives to counter the convergence of terrorism and cyber threats in the dark corners of the Internet. It highlights the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in attributing cyber-enabled threats and underscores the need for enhanced investigative capabilities and capacity building in this area. The report was jointly developed by UNOCT-UNCCT and UNICRI, with the generous support of Republic of Korea.
AuthorsUN. Office of Counter-Terrorism
UN Counter-Terrorism Centre
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
UN Counter-Terrorism Centre
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
DateNew York : UN, 2024
41 p. : ill.