United Nations General Assembly voting data / United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library
标题United Nations General Assembly voting data / United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library
获取Dataset (September 2024): 2024_09_12_ga_resolutions_voting - CSV ; Metadata (September 2024): 2024_09_12_ga_resolutions_voting_md - MD ;
日期New York:[...]
This dataset is a compilation of the voting data from the General Assembly up to the end of the 78th session (10 September 2024). It is derived from the UN Digital Library voting records and provides information on Member States' votes related to resolutions adopted through a vote. Votes on individual paragraphs of draft resolutions or drafts that failed to be adopted are not included. The dataset comprises 893,587 entries, with each entry representing the vote of one Member State on a particular resolution.
Copyright, United Nations; Non commercial use, with attribution.
Copyright, United Nations; Non commercial use, with attribution.
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