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Условное обозначениеE/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2024/Policy Brief.3
ЗаглавиеPoverty and disability : interlinkages and the way forward
ДоступEnglish: E_ESCWA_CL2.GPID_2024_Policy_Brief.3-EN - PDF ;
The link between disability and poverty is gaining increased attention at the global, regional and national levels. Despite this increased awareness, our understanding of the complex relationship between these two conditions and the underlying reasons for their connection remains limited and requires further research. In many countries, disability is closely linked to limited access to education, reduced employment opportunities and increased medical expenses. This policy brief provides an overview of the factors that influence the interaction between poverty and disability, clarifying the harmful vicious cycle created by their relationship and presenting key policy recommendations. --[ESCWA website].
ДатаBeirut : UN, 2024
6 p.