A transition approach to poverty reduction and climate finance : the missing link to implementation
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ЗаглавиеA transition approach to poverty reduction and climate finance : the missing link to implementation
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The world is currently facing a triple crisis: food, energy, and climate. People living in poverty and in developing countries, especially in Africa, are on the frontline, suffering most in a crisis they did not create. Many solutions are available but major change will only happen when a large enough part of the international system moves in the same direction, and solutions are tailored to specific country contexts. The present paper is a product of the Global Council for Sustainable Development Goal 1. It proposes principles and a framework to guide policy and financing options on adapting to life in a changing climate and a green transition, while achieving poverty reduction goals. These principles reveal the need to take specific development contexts into account when designing strategies, policies and financing options. [ESCWA website].
ДатаBeirut : UN, 2023
47 p. : ill., graphs, tables