Asia-Pacific disaster report 2015 : disasters without borders: regional resilience for sustainable development
TitleAsia-Pacific disaster report 2015 : disasters without borders: regional resilience for sustainable development
AccessEnglish: 1403952_EN - PDF ;
The Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2015 – Disasters without Borders, is a flagship publication of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). It provides an overview of the state of disaster resilience in Asia-Pacific region, and places disaster risk reduction at the heart of sustainable development. It identifies emerging new risks in the region and the sectors that are most at risk. The report focuses on cross-border disasters, such as earthquakes, droughts, tropical cyclones and floods, and highlights that only by coming together in the spirit of cooperation can the Asia-Pacific region hope to become truly disaster resilient. The report identifies several neglected areas of disaster risk reduction that need to be addressed urgently. Drought, a forgotten disaster in Asia-Pacific, pushes vast numbers of people into debt and poverty. The report shows how the impact can be mitigated by treating drought as a long-term, recurring risk. The report also analyses the value of early warning systems and maps out how to provide right information to right people at the right time. The report concludes that while investing in disaster risk reduction is proven cost effective, the political commitment has not transformed into adequate actions on the ground. -- [back cover]
AuthorsUN. ESCAP
DateBangkok : ESCAP, 2016
xxxv, 192 p. ills., graphs, tables
9789211206999 (print)
9789210576086 (e-ISBN)
9789210576086 (e-ISBN)
Sales number15.II.F.13