Disability at a glance 2010: a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific
TitleDisability at a glance 2010: a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific
AccessEnglish: ST_ESCAP_2583-EN - PDF ;
Disability at a Glance 2010: A Profile of 36 Countries and Areas in Asia and the Pacific is a compilation of disability-related data and information. Profiles of 35 countries and one area are grouped according to subregion and presented in alphabetical order. Five are from East and North-East Asia (China; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Mongolia; and the Republic of Korea). Ten are from South-East Asia (Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Myanmar; the Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Timor-Leste; and Viet Nam). Nine are from South and South-West Asia (Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; India; Maldives; Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; and Turkey). Three are from North and Central Asia (Armenia; Azerbaijan; and Kazakhstan), and nine are from the Pacific (Australia; Cook Islands; Fiji; Kiribati; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; Tonga; and Vanuatu). Each profile contains 27 indicators that have been grouped according to the following seven subheadings: development indicators, demography, institutional framework, legislative and policy framework, national efforts to promote an inclusive society, financial commitment, and commitment to regional and international instruments on disability. A Summary Table is included to provide a bird's-eye view of the information and data available in each country and area with regard to definitions on disability and persons with disabilities, national coordination mechanisms, legislative and policy frameworks and national efforts to promote an inclusive society. [ESCAP website]
AuthorsUN. ESCAP
DateBangkok, : UNESCAP, 2010
viii,136 p. ills., graphs, tables