International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Условное обозначение[E/]LC/PUB.2021/14-P/Rev.1
ЗаглавиеInternational Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean. 2021, Pursuing a resilient and sustainable recovery
In its 2021 edition, this ECLAC annual report examines the foreign trade performance of the region’s economies during the current year, with the most recent figures available on the impact of COVID-19 and the post-pandemic recovery in the distinct countries. The publication consists of three chapters. The first analyzes the evolution of global and regional trade in the last year and their prospects for a post-pandemic recovery. The second chapter examines the challenge of achieving productive autonomy in the region’s health industry, and the third offers proposals for defining the contribution of international trade to the new circular economy.
Chapter 1. Global and regional trade are recovering amid heightened uncertainty -- Chapter 2. The challenge of regional productive self-sufficiency in the health-care industry -- Chapter 3. How international trade contributes to a circular economy.
Chapter 1. Global and regional trade are recovering amid heightened uncertainty -- Chapter 2. The challenge of regional productive self-sufficiency in the health-care industry -- Chapter 3. How international trade contributes to a circular economy.
ДатаSantiago : UN ECLAC, 2021
203 p. : graphs, tables
Includes bibliographical references.
9789210055697 (eISBN)
9789210055697 (eISBN)
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