Role of treaty body focal points and rapporteurs with respect to reprisals against persons and groups engaging with United Nations human rights treaty bodies : note / by the Secretariat
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Условное обозначениеHRI/MC/2019/2
ЗаглавиеRole of treaty body focal points and rapporteurs with respect to reprisals against persons and groups engaging with United Nations human rights treaty bodies : note / by the Secretariat
ДоступEspañol: HRI_MC_2019_2-ES - PDF ;
АвторыUN. Secretariat
ДатаGeneva :[...]
17 p.
Annexes (p. 11-17): 1. Provisions on reprisals in human rights treaties and their optional protocols -- 2. Recommendations by participants in the workshop on reprisals held in Geneva on 12 and 13 December 2018.
English, French and Spanish only.
English, French and Spanish only.