Report of the Council of the United Nations University on the work of the University
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
رمز / رقم الاستدعاءE/2019/8
العنوانReport of the Council of the United Nations University on the work of the University
إمكانية الوصولEnglish: E_2019_8-EN - PDF ; Español: E_2019_8-ES - PDF ; Français: E_2019_8-FR - PDF ; Русский: E_2019_8-RU - PDF ; العربية: E_2019_8-AR - PDF ; 中文: E_2019_8-ZH - PDF ;
المؤلفونUN University. Council
معلومات عن جدول الأعمال
E/2019/100 20 United Nations research and training institutes. UN--TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS
تاريخ[New York] : UN, 14 Mar. 2019
25 p. : graph, table
Describes the research and training activities conducted by the University in 2018.
"Annex: Members of the Council of the United Nations University": p. 25.
"Annex: Members of the Council of the United Nations University": p. 25.